What is the Innovation District?
The Innovation District encompasses 1.3 square miles just east of downtown Oklahoma City. It is home to organizations spanning Oklahoma’s diverse sectors – health, energy, aerospace, technology, research, academia, and more.
Development of the district will capitalize on Oklahoma's strength in these industries and invest in this area of OKC where research institutions, firms and talent concentrate and connect. The district will support the region in being more competitive, both in attracting investment and the talent necessary to continue our growth in these sectors.
Recently the Brookings Institution and the Project for Public Spaces released a report of an 18-month study on the Innovation District which found the benefit is much more than grouping like industries. The real opportunity is collaboration, business recruitment and workforce training and education to grow the economy of Oklahoma City.
The first phase of planned development is expected to generate as much as $1.2 billion in annual additional economic impact, $423 million in additional annual payroll and 6,600 new jobs. Many of the jobs will not require a college degree and will have higher than average wages, which could be life changing for nearby residents. This plan is an important step for connecting Oklahoma City residents with the significant economic impact of the transformation of the district into an innovation ecosystem.
To learn more, visit the Innovation District's website below.