okc parking purview
Oklahoma City continues to expand and improve its infrastructure, development and amenities. Residents and visitors are able to enjoy more restaurants and entertainment venues. They are migrating to work and live downtown. Soon the city will start construction on the new MAPS 3 streetcar, bringing a unique public transportation aspect that will offer relief to underserved parking areas.
The continued influx of people has created a strain on available parking. The city has made strides to improve offerings and will continue to do so in conjunction with the streetcar development. Parking has been a concerning factor for downtown, especially in the Central Business District. Bricktown has implemented a pay-to-park system; Midtown followed in certain areas. Space is still an issue, but measures are being taken to alleviate the problem.
Construction projects continue to wrap up as Project 180 finishes updating roads downtown. This will provide better access to parking garages. E.K. Gaylord Boulevard has reopened after being closed for nearly a year, improving access to four garages and underground parking at the Cox Convention Center.
One specific parking garage that stands out is the Arts District Garage. It is not only an award-winning garage, but also provides more than 800 spaces for the downtown area. The downtown city garages include the Santa Fe garage at 2 Santa Fe Plaza, Century Center at 100 W. Main St., Arts District at 431 W. Main and Sheridan Walker at 501 W. Sheridan Ave.
Read the full article here in the November 11th edition of The Journal Record.