Housing would benefit Core to Shore

This week the Oklahoma City Council approved an agreement with OG&E to purchase property for a parking garage development in the Core to Shore area.
The 865-space garage will be a public facility offering parking for multiple uses – from convention center and hotel visitors to those catching a Thunder game or concert at Chesapeake Energy Arena or simply enjoying Scissortail Park.
The parking garage may also include a development opportunity for workforce housing. An early, but creative, concept to ensure employees can afford to live near downtown businesses, restaurants and hotels.
The Core to Shore area will soon be vibrant with workers, starting with the construction of the convention center and hotel. Both projects will take a couple of years to build, requiring hundreds of workers – engineers, plumbers, electricians, construction workers and more. Further private development around the park will continue the demand for these workers. Once complete, the convention center and hotel will require a permanent workforce. The Omni Hotel alone anticipates hiring between 300-600 full- and part-time employees.
Read the full article at The Journal Record