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  • Cathy O’Connor

OKCPS Pathways offers benefits

Recently, as part of the Oklahoma City Public School District’s Pathways to Greatness project, the board announced three possible options to more efficiently utilize the district’s buildings and resources and to improve equity in educational opportunities across the district.

As co-chair of the Navigators Committee, I know the district has reviewed a tremendous amount of data and has engaged in thoughtful and inclusive conversations. I believe the Pathways to Greatness outcomes will be beneficial to students and families and to the community.

The three possible options were developed after a thorough assessment of school facilities by the Oklahoma City architectural firm ADG, as well as a detailed demographic study and input from OKCPS staff and stakeholders. In all three paths, 13 schools from across the district will discontinue operation and be consolidated into other facilities.

The most exciting thing about the reorganization of the district is the resulting trade-ups for the students, which are designed to increase academic achievement. More resources will be put into classrooms in the form of art, music and PE teachers. Added support staff will assist principals and teachers in delivering a better and higher-quality educational experience. Added counselors and other social supports will assist students with issues that challenge them outside of school. Additional benefits include consistent grade bands and feeder patterns, more electives and course offerings and increased access to school nurses.

Repurposed buildings may become community centers with services for the entire family, early childhood centers, or may be transformed into other uses such as housing.

Read the full article at The Journal Record

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