Next phase of Page Woodson brings more housing

The newest phase of Page Woodson in northeast Oklahoma City is now underway, with dirt work beginning this month and occupancy planned for 2024. The Oklahoma City Urban Renewal Authority has worked closely with the development team to master-plan and develop this land adjacent to the renovated, historic Douglass High School. Phase IV of Page Woodson will bring a total of 214 apartment units and help meet Oklahoma City’s strong housing demand.
The units are one- and two-bedrooms across three buildings, which will primarily face NE Fourth Street. Phase IV includes 14 live/work units designed for retail, small business offices, non-commercial kitchen establishments, and other services that will complement the mixed-use environment. Phase IV also will house a business center and pool for the entire Page Woodson complex.
Page Woodson is an incredible success story. In addition to preserving one of Oklahoma City’s important Black landmarks and historical buildings, it has been a model for how public incentives can help the private development process bring desirable housing with a blend of affordable and market-rate units, retail and business to an urban neighborhood.
The development team has been very intentional to provide various apartment sizes with a range of rental prices, to attract a blend of individuals and families who currently live in the area or attend school or work nearby.
The Douglass and Douglass Next Door (Phase I) are approximately 80% occupied and The Seven (Phase II) and New Page West (Phase III) are approximately 95% full. Phase IV is sure to continue the success and set the stage for the future phases.
The viability of this project would not have been possible without securing tax increment financing, Low Income Housing Tax Credits and Historic Tax Credits with the Alliance’s help. Our partnership with Ron Bradshaw and Jason Bradshaw of Colony Partners, SCG Development and Gina Sofola of Sofola & Associates is a model for planning and development of large-scale, mixed-use projects.
For Phase V, the developers are planning an African American Commemorative Plaza, a public gathering place that will connect the space to the history of the school and contributions of the community and physically link the development and historic Booker T. Washington Park.
Partnering with thoughtful local developers, the Alliance believes that Page Woodson is perfectly positioned to continue to be one of Oklahoma City’s most important assets.